Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Extended Pitch

I just finished the Extended Pitch for the TV show concept.

This one was much harder than the first -- mostly because I had to do a lot of research on the concept. It was easy to come up with a pitch, but sketching out all the characters was complicated. Not to mention coming up with episode ideas, each of which had to revolve around a specific case. I am the one who managed once to write a mystery that had no mystery at all, so you can see where I might have trouble.

But, all is good. I got the pitch done -- and even had a chance to review it with a friend first.

So, off it goes to the company. They'll be speaking about it on Tuesday, so I should know shortly if they like it, if they are going to keep moving forward with it, and what -- if anything -- they want to change.

Keep your fingers crossed.

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